Evolution Powersports
2017-2019 Maverick X3 Dash Cluster Reflash with Boost, AFR and Belt Temp
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Evolution Powersports is bringing next level technology to the 2017-2019 Maverick X3 with an integrated Dash Cluster Reflash (DCR). The EVP DCR gives the customer the option to display boost pressure on their OEM dash cluster without any wiring, running hoses, etc. The DCR takes the boost pressure reading directly from the ECU. Knowing boost pressure allows the customer to verify if their vehicle is performing the way it should. In addition to boost pressure, EVP has a plug and play Air Fuel module which plugs into the diagnostic port. It requires an extra 02 bung (supplied) to be welded into the exhaust system. There is no wiring other than plugging the module into the OEM diagnostic port and running the supplied 10’ cable to the included Bosch LSU 4.9 02 sensor.
Lastly, in conjunction with Razorback Gauges, are offering belt temperature as a third option to be displayed on the OEM cluster. EVP has worked closely with Razorback to develop a sensor that could display the data on the OEM cluster. The module comes with a daisy chain harness that provides 3 extra diagnostic ports. This means that if you have a Maptuner or other device, it can still be plugged into one of the free ports.
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